Island of Misfit Toys 2013

By Akron Art Museum (other events)

Saturday, December 7 2013 11:00 AM 5:00 PM EST

What better way to make room for new toys than to bash the old ones into bits and pieces? Bring your family to the museum to create one-of-a-kind sculptures from discarded toys.  After your art making experience, stop in the auditorium for a special musical performance presented by Tuesday Musical Association: 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM.
There is no charge for this event but we ask that each family bring one new, unwrapped toy to donate to children in need. You may also bring your own unwanted toys to smash and reuse.

You must register and choose a time to attend this event:
Choose your time slot: 11:30am-1pm, 1:30-3pm or 3:30-5pm


For more information, call 330.376.9186 x231